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BUILT TO SELL!  A great product makes for great sales.


THIS IS NOT 2014!  Berkshire Meadow View is far different from 2014 when the property was on the market and then taken off. 



Since then we have...


1)  Established a disciplined approach where all vectors point in one direction to provide the maximum effect to achieving a goals -- To be an inspired and unique Colonial Equestrian Resort distinct the mundane offerings of other B&Bs and Stables. 


2)  Worked to the above discipline, not distracted by kibitzers who "have the answers" to questions about which they are clueless.  Over 2,000 people have come here via stays, weddings, and other events.  We have spoken with about 1/2 of them.  Great ideas for The Berkshires, in general, do not (and cannot) translate for Tiara Equest in Richmond.


3)  Integrated the properties to create a  U-N-I-Q-U-E  whole with a single standard.  Today we provide a Colonial Equestrian Venue / Opportunity / Experience.


4)  Broken-free of the notion that someone else... via his or her contacts... will  "BRING IN THE BIG MONEY."  Only we are responsible for finding the big money. Others may hang around big money, but do not think "big money."  We think Big Money!  


5)  Separated "busy" -- lots of horses... tons of manure... large payrolls, etc. -- from"break-even or "marginally profitable."


6)  Eliminated all of the "drama and entitlement" boarders who felt that this was their place and who viewed any activity other than theirs as a threat to it. 


7)  Cut the part-time payroll from $65,000 per year to less than $5,000 primarily through the conversion of full-board to self-care board.  This change reduced the number of boarders, the wear & tear of their horses, and provided the ability to change the "culture" where the horses and related activities were a part... not the determining factor in the operation of Berkshire Meadow View.


8)  Recognized the inability to use R.O.I  as the reason to sell or buy.
            Even with break-even, the RATIONAL BUSINESS question remains:  "Is it worth all this effort for so little financial return?" 
            The answer may be "YES" for a "lifestyle business," but compared with other ways to create wealth, the answer is "NO," for hardnosed profits.


9)  Transcended from the typical price-sensitive competition  (selling through prices a la other B&Bs, Inns, Stables) TO THE  (selling through perceived value a la Canyon, Cranwell, Wheatleigh, Blantyre, etc)


10)  Taken a leadership position in areas where we have ventured. Examples are...


(a)  The transfer of the property owner through the sale of LLC vs it asset, the property, itself, to

(i)   facilitate a literally instant transfer of ownership without changing the land deed,

(ii)  to prevent transfer costs repetitive costs such as title searches and

(iii) provide a way to make The Berkshire an affordable "second home" through fractional ownership is a perfect example of such leadership. 

In essence, the LLC is a trust through which members can come and go providing that they comply with the Agreement terms and conditions.

(b)  The improvement of road-side "nature-scaping" (tm)  to enhance both the setting of the property and the main road through the town.

(c)  The developing advocacy and private efforts in horse and ride safety.



Today, TIARA EQUEST is managed by a General Manager of 5 years whose primary focus (24/7/365) is in the business of developing guests, events, offerings, and the property... and owned by a person who has been active in innkeeping and stables years longer. 


1)  TIARA EQUEST's quality assurance is inspected annually by AAA and's Diamond Club.

2)  TIARA EQUEST's licenses are complete & current; Inn/B&B by the Town of Richmond and the Stable are by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

3)  TIARA EQUEST's common rooms are provided exclusively for Inn / Stable guests and eventers without a public lounge, lobby or pass-through.

4)  TIARA EQUEST's four-course, country breakfast is served in a pleasant, completely appointed, dining area which can hold 16 persons at one sitting.

5)  TIARA EQUEST's personal hospitality -- the touchstone of innkeeping -- exceeds all rooms, amenities, and physical plant.


In short... we are a quality resort which is dedicated to providing guests and eventers with a unique Colonial Equestrian Experience.  



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